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Artificial Intelligence in a few figures?

The 21st century economy is based on data: artificial intelligence is of undeniable interest because it facilitates the collection, processing and analysis of information. It is set to become essential for almost all economic activities.
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Source: UNESCO

13,000 billion dollars

The figure is dizzying, this is what Artificial Intelligence (AI) could add to global GDP by 2030, according to the same report.
*Increase in economic value created by all countries in the world, per year.
  • Repetitive jobs requiring few digital skills
  • Jobs requiring advanced digital skills
If McKinsey does not consider that AI will destroy employment in general, it nevertheless emphasizes that the gap risks widening between workers and countries: “The share of repetitive jobs requiring few digital skills should fall from 43% to 32% […]. Conversely, the share of jobs requiring advanced digital skills will increase from 42% to 53%.”
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*Share of companies using Artificial Intelligence
With one click, a Deep Learning algorithm that can drive a significant competitive advantage in an industry can be deployed worldwide.

The internet revolution was very progressive because it required the deployment of an infrastructure.
Most companies that failed to adapt have declined.
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A critical mass of teachers and researchers committed to these questions.

A strong dimension of training (engineer and master) in IT, AI and Data.

A training institute for artificial intelligence engineers.

A computing center.

A prototyping center.

An anchor in a socio-economic environment and a logic of projects bringing together partnerships.

Artificial Intelligence, Why?

Artificial Intelligence will produce an “unprecedented rupture” we are told, we do not want this rupture to be a fracture for your country, whether technologically or ethically. You must be part of the actors who act, think, produce and design. Each territory must be able to claim to position itself in terms of Artificial Intelligence.

The conditions are essentially linked to human capital and high-level IT expertise.

Your country must have universities which must become increasingly involved in these technological issues and must have, among other things:

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Develop the technological level
Esatisfactory digital education
Successful transition to healthy AI integration in your country
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The best strategy to follow

This space will be designed to better understand AI and its transformations. It is a place where we will acculturate, discover, understand and experiment with this technology.
The objective is to prepare your country to understand the changes linked to AI and to place humans at the center of the questions it raises. This space aims to boost institutional, university, industrial and citizen collaboration around new technologies and their challenges.
The space will be regularly animated by events on innovation and AI. The various events allow you to learn, exchange and develop knowledge.

Ethics Monitoring Observatory to measure societal and ethical impacts.

Exhibition Hall.

Co-Working Space.

Experimental laboratory.

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